StemCell Artist Update

Hello Artists! We launched StemCell 2.0 to the entire TurboSquid artist community a few months ago and wanted to share some of what we have learned so far: We are continuing to improve our processing pipeline, and appreciate all the feedback we have received from our artist. Blender artists, you can now automatically convert your models into 3ds Max, C4D, …

Affiliate Links to Translated Versions of TurboSquid

If you’re not taking advantage of the TurboSquid Affiliate Program, you’re missing out on some extra cash! Sending traffic to TurboSquid can earn 15% commission for Basic members, while SquidGuild members receive 20%. For our non-English artists, you can now build your affiliate links so that they link to the internationalized version of your store. If you operate from a …

CheckMate Update

Thank you for your excellent feedback regarding poles in the CheckMate Specifications. After listening to what you have to say on the issue, we reviewed common fail points for models being submitted to CheckMate, and we discussed the issues at-length with the CheckMate Advisory Board. As a result, we have elected to make the following modifications to the CheckMate Specification …

Highlights from the Recent “U Jelly” Release

Jelly beans, jelly doughnuts/donuts, just jelly – while these may describe some of the sweets that TurboSquid staff members taking a bit of time off for Easter may have indulged in, the “U Jelly” sprint really has nothing to do with any of these tasty treats. Honestly, there is little to do with jealousy either, but we sure do know how to …

Over 60,000 Real-Time Assets – Now Live on TurboSquid

Just a few weeks ago we announced our efforts to identify all of the real-time content currently available on TurboSquid. Needless to say, we were bombarded with over a hundred responses, all providing links to content and even complete artist collections for review and inclusion. As a result, over 60,000 real-time 3d assets were identified. Today, we launched an easy …

Latest Site Update Includes New Sales Notifications

For those of you that are active within the Artists’ forum, you may have already noticed that our VP of Product Development, Jonathan Lloyd, has been posting site updates as they roll out. In addition to posting the updates, Jonathan has been explaining the changes to our process when it comes to releases: “This year we are committing to a …

Are any of your models Real-Time ready?

TurboSquid is going to be heading out to the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC) / Virtual Reality Developers Conference in mid-March. As you may know, a number of major game development companies use TurboSquid for a portion of their model needs. We will be meeting with some of them to discuss next-generation, real-time content, including their needs around the new …

Artist Spotlight: Missset

Give a mighty roar of applause for our new featured model by TurboSquid Artist Missset! On the tail of his three-year anniversary with TurboSquid, we were happy to ask Missset a few questions about his modeling process and more in this Featured Artist Interview. How long have you been an artist? I became interested in art at school, more than ten years ago …

New On-Site Chat: Now We’re Talking

TurboSquid Member Services is always striving to find new and better ways to help artists and customers. Over time we have been able to implement many improvements that have helped raise the average member satisfaction rate to 95%. This is far higher than the global average of 86%, and that continues to drive our team to do more and more. …