Anything digital such as 3D Models, Texture Maps, Materials & Shaders, Motion Capture, Plugins & CG Scripts, Tutorials, Shapes & Vector Graphics, Game Levels and General Media. We support all file formats and all types of media. If you are confused how to present your products, please contact out support department.
What is the catch? What does TurboSquid get?
There is no catch! TurboSquid only makes money when you make money. When you make a sale, TurboSquid gets paid. We take a % of the sale. How much depends on if you are a member of our SquidGuild (see more here: Click Here). Exclusivity at our site is not required, but as an exclusive member, you can earn extra royalties. When …
Can I change the author name or is it always set to my member name?
The author name is the member name. If you would like to change your author name, it is necessary to change your member name. This can be changed under ‘Member Info’ on the Navigation Bar.
Is there a way for artists to promote their work on TurboSquid?
Yes. One way is through an Affiliate link, which you can use to link from your personal website to any page at TurboSquid. You can link to your own products or a search, and if a sale results from that link, you will receive a percentage of that sale even if you didn’t link to that product directly. See the Affiliate Info link at …
How can I improve my product statistics?
Statistics have a cascading effect. As you increase the Small Preview count, the count will also increase for Full Previews, Shopping Cart additions, and Sales because users will be seeing your products more. You will have to experiment and see your results, but below are some possible ways to improve your results on TurboSquid: Small Previews: Add keywords and fill …
Can I take my work down?
You can take your work down whenever you want unless the model is CheckMate certified. All CheckMate models are subject to a 12-month commitment.
How do I see my sales?
Check your sales real-time in the Sales area of the Member tab. Here you will find a report that shows your Account Totals, as well as Sales Summary by month. Please note any special messaging from Accounting which may indicate that you need to submit additional information to receive payment.
Want your 3D model featured on TurboSquid? Well, here’s your chance!
Time and again, artists that have been featured on the TurboSquid home page have said that it’s an honor for their models to be chosen. So, we’ve decided to make this honor more attainable to all of our artists! This is our public call for TurboSquid artists to submit their models for consideration as our featured home page model. Where do …