Fixing (but not cancelling) your CheckMate inspections

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Notice: First Ever Sales Event on TurboSquid

As we discussed when rolling out the recent updates to the Publisher Agreement, we are experimenting with different types of sales events. This weekend, we are hosting the first ever site-wide sale on TurboSquid. We’ll be watching the data closely over the weekend and will use what we learn to influence how we handle any future sales. The sale is …

Introducing StemCell: A Breakthrough in 3D Model Standardization

Today is a big day for TurboSquid. After months of R&D, we’re officially unveiling StemCell to the world. This project represents a significant improvement in how all of our artists will be building and selling 3D models. In its simplest form, StemCell is going to allow you to build a model in the application that you enjoy, upload it to …

Introducing TurboSquid VR Galleries

Last week, we released something that we’ve been working on for a while in the VR Lab: TurboSquid VR Galleries. In a nutshell, a VR Gallery is a standalone .EXE that anyone can download for free and explore in virtual reality using either an HTC Vive, or an Oculus Rift+Touch. This first VR Gallery release features the work of TS Artist Cecoaliensa, …

TurboSquid Updates: Highlights from the Q-Bert Sprint

SSL and Site Performance Most of our time during the Q-Bert sprint was spent making continued updates and improvements for SSL. Now that we’ve moved everything over and are delivering all pages securely, we spent some time tweaking the configuration and optimizing things to capitalize on the benefits provided by delivering all pages over SSL. This included not only updating …

Important Notice: Update Your TurboSquid Links

We recently migrated all TurboSquid links from HTTP to the more secure HTTPS. If you’re using links to any of your products or artist search results page, now is the time to change those links to maximize their value to Google. Updating the links is simple – just add an “s” after “http”, everything else is the same. If you’re …

TurboSquid Updates: Highlights from the Pepe le Pew Sprint

Dashboard Updates We carved out a larger chunk of time this sprint to further improve the dashboard for artists. Not only did we fix some bothersome bugs, but we also put in new requested features. The biggest feature for dashboard this time around is collapsible panels. Artists now have the option of collapsing panels to hide the things you don’t …

TurboSquid Updates: Highlights from the Oscar the Grouch Sprint

Help System We spent some time working to clean up the knowledge base links and help content. There’s more work yet to do, but stay tuned and we will post more about that when it’s ready to explore. Credit Card and Payment Systems Some of you might have noticed several days ago that, for most of the day, we experienced …

TurboSquid Updates: Highlights from the Natasha Sprint

One Page Publisher Most of the Natasha sprint was spent working to put the final bits into place for the One Page Publisher beta. We are making great progress, and will be opening it up for broader testing very soon. A large part of implementation and test time for this sprint was spent working on the Feature Graph integration in …

Talk About CheckMate with Us!

In case you missed it: we’re kicking off the year with a new discussion about the first of the CheckMate pain points we want to resolve in 2017 and beyond. Join our discussion over in the artist forums, where we’re having a community roundtable on our plans to make CheckMate simpler for artists as we evolve the processes internally. If …