Featured Artist: M.M.I.

We’re hitting the high seas with TurboSquid Artist M.M.I.! In this Featured Artist Interview, M.M.I. talks about his first encounter with 3D and what the future holds for him as a CheckMate artist. How long have you been a 3D artist? I started working in 3D about three years ago, and it was a unforgettable moment, when I first looked at …

A Q&A with TurboSquid’s VR Experts

Last week, TurboSquid attended the 2016 Collision Conference, hosted in our very own city of New Orleans. Between hosting some great events and getting a look at some exciting new start-ups, we attended several talks about future technology and the role of Virtual Reality within that future. I sat down with Matt Hales (TurboSquid’s VP of Creative) and Beau Perschall …

Artist Spotlight: DRONNNNN95

TurboSquid Artist DRONNNNN95 designs great models, especially for use in games. In this Artist Spotlight, we are featuring his classic city tram, but this gorgeous, well-worn scene includes several of his awesome models. We had a chance to chat about his history with 3D and why he likes making models with an aged look in our newest Featured Artist Interview!

Artist Spotlight: Vincent Lion

The New Year is the time for a fresh start, and we’re kicking the year off with this fresh olive tree by TurboSquid Artist, Vincent Lion! We were able to talk to Vincent, who spends his time as a freelance 3D artist, about his models and what he’s looking forward to in 2016. How did you get your start as a …

Artist Spotlight: Missset

Give a mighty roar of applause for our new featured model by TurboSquid Artist Missset! On the tail of his three-year anniversary with TurboSquid, we were happy to ask Missset a few questions about his modeling process and more in this Featured Artist Interview. How long have you been an artist? I became interested in art at school, more than ten years ago …

New and Updated Artist Tools Now Available on Squid.io

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Artist Spotlight: Stubborn3D

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Artist Spotlight: Massimo Righi

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Squid.io Materials Look Great On PixelSquid

We now have over 3,000 products live on PixelSquid! Thank you for all your hard work and congratulations for hitting such an exciting milestone. We can’t wait to see what you guys will create next. In the meantime, we’d like to show you what some of your fellow artists have accomplished with the Materials Library. These products– now live on …

PixelSquid vs. Normal Stock Photo Sites

We’re sure you all have seen it by now – PixelSquid.com is finally live! We’ve been working on this for a long time, so we’re very excited to users signing up and experimenting with the content. If you’ve been waiting for the release to start submitting content, the moment that you’ve been waiting for is finally here. Before you start …