Artist Spotlight: Vincent Lion

The New Year is the time for a fresh start, and we’re kicking the year off with this fresh olive tree by TurboSquid Artist, Vincent Lion! We were able to talk to Vincent, who spends his time as a freelance 3D artist, about his models and what he’s looking forward to in 2016.

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How did you get your start as a 3D modeler?

I started 3D twelve years ago— wow! I just realized it’s been awhile. 🙂

At school, I made a short animated film, and really, that was my start. It gave me the chance to learn all production stages [for film]. I studied the art of 3D animation during my three years of school here in France. After that, I was employed in an animation film production and advertising agency. I learned so much during those three years. Now, I’m a 3D freelance artist, and I’ve produced visuals and animated films for a wide range of projects. I never know what kinds of projects I’ll work on next, which is what I like!

What do you think is your biggest priority when making 3D models?

In most cases, my first priority is to match reality and get as close as I can to photorealism. When I start making a model to sell Turbosquid, I take all time that I need, until I’m satisfied with it. Because of that, Turbosquid gives me a big opportunity to enjoy my passion!

Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? What do you hope to focus on or learn about 3D modeling this year?

I don’t know yet about big resolutions! I don’t smoke, so… 🙂

One thing I am sure of, is that I want to continue to make more and more models and perhaps start exploring the world of animal modeling.

What has been your experience with CheckMate? 

CheckMate gives me the opportunity to make sure that all of my models are professional quality. Of course, it gives me a bit more work, but now, I’m familiar with it and getting the CheckMate certification for my new models isn’t a big deal. Also, customers can buy the models with peace of mind. I sometimes need to buy 3D models on Turbosquid, and I always buy CheckMate ones when it’s possible! It saves me a lot of time!

How long have you been with TurboSquid? Would you or have you recommended TurboSquid to others?

I knew of Turbosquid for a long time, but I uploaded my first object just a year and a half ago. It was rather recent! And now I always think, “Why didn’t I start sooner?” So, of course, I’ve already recommended Turbosquid to my artist friends. I’d invite all others artists to try it, at least. It’s always a good feeling to see a sale!

Thanks, Vincent! We’re wishing you and all our artists happy sales in the New Year!

Want to see your CheckMate Pro Certified Model featured on the TurboSquid Home Page? We’re looking for amazing models like Vincent’s to put in the spotlight. What are you waiting for? SUBMIT YOUR MODEL!