Searches: When a search is performed, memcache will save the results from that search for a set period of time. After those search results are saved in memcache and the same search term is searched again (either by the same person or even by another person), the same results will show as the previous search, even if the actual results …
Do I have to package my products before entering them on your system?
This is recommended for some product types, like Models & Meshes, where file textures need to maintain their locations.
How do I remove my products from TurboSquid?
Log on to TurboSquid and sign in to your account. Click My Files on the Navigation Bar Click on Publisher To delete, click on the checkbox next to the product and click Remove in the upper left hand corner A prompt will ask, “Are sure you want to delete this file forever?” Click OK to continue and remove the product. …
May I publish my contact information on TurboSquid?
No. Since TurboSquid offers extensive and guaranteed support, as described under the TurboSquid Quality and Service Guarantee, TurboSquid does not allow artists to publish any form of contact information on the product preview pages, or anywhere else on or affiliate sites. Our policy is to act as intermediary in all artist – customer relationships. This ensures that if there …