New Publisher Private Beta + Upcoming Image Requirement Changes

We are excited to announce that our long-awaited new Publisher is now in the private beta-testing phase. We will be releasing the new Publisher in beta to everyone in February 2020, along with updates to the required imagery for TurboSquid, which are now easily managed with the new Publisher.

Below, you’ll find an overview of what to expect in the new Publisher, as well as the new image requirements, and what you can start doing now to meet these new standards.

Easier and Faster Publishing

The new Publisher is a ground-up rewrite of the interface, focused on making publishing as quick and understandable as possible. While the legacy Publisher was an incredibly complex, fragile, and Flash-dependent system, the new Publisher enables our engineers to add new features and more easily fix bugs. We’ve fully incorporated category assignments and real-time feedback on imagery standards and license details into the experience to make publishing much easier.

Types of files are tabbed for quick editing, with drag and drop to upload. Uploading now uses a completely new and simpler system (no more Flash!) to increase stability and speed with fewer manipulations of the files.

For Presentation images, we’ve added functionality to define images as Previews, UV Maps, or Wireframes, as well as interactive guidelines for the new imagery requirements that will provide immediate feedback on whether your imagery meets the publishing standards. For CheckMate, the inline verification has also been updated so you’ll know immediately if you’ve met the full set of requirements to proceed.

Adding categories to your product is now an integral part of the publishing experience rather than separate from it. We’ve also upgraded the interactivity between licenses and tags, description, and categorization. In the legacy Publisher, possible licensing issues are reviewed by a Support agent. Moving forward, real-time messaging will highlight which license is recommended for your product.

Beauty, Image Requirements, and Training

For 19 years, customers have asked for one thing over everything else: beautiful imagery of your models. We upgraded our Product Page to feature full-width images in anticipation of these changes, and CheckMate certified models have met this standard for a while. With that said, after a few months, all models will need to meet the new image requirements.  Please note that you will not be required to make edits to your older products. The updated image requirements will only apply to newly published models.

Here is a brief synopsis of the standard:

Search Image
Square aspect ratio at a resolution of 1200 x 1200 pixels (or higher), generally rendered on a white (247,247,247 RGB) background. Please note that there are some exceptions to the 247 white requirements. Learn more about Search Image requirements and how to render your model on 247 white.

Product Shots
A minimum of five product shots with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 (or higher). Learn more about Product Shots.

At least one turntable with a minimum of 12 frames that are rendered at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 (or higher). Learn more about Creating Turntables.

At least one wireframe image that is rendered at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 (or higher). Learn more about Wireframe requirements.

Phasing Out Legacy Publisher

Once the new Publisher is released for public beta testing, the legacy Publisher will stay online for 2 months while you adjust your production pipelines to the imagery standard. New products through the new Publisher will only work for the upgraded image standard, and so during that transition time, you may still publish to the current standards with the legacy Publisher (although you should start rendering @ 2k now!).  After the two months is complete, we will turn off the legacy Publisher and all new models published will be to the new image standard.