Like many TurboSquid artists, Massimo Righi is a 3D specialist. As one of our most popular animal creators, Massimo has managed to create a menagerie of a portfolio, from domestic pets to the wild kingdom… all while maintaining a high level of CheckMate quality. With his roaring lion on our home page, we were excited to get to chat Massimo in this Featured Artist Interview!
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How long have you been an artist, and can you tell us a little about your creative background?
I’ve always loved visual arts, from photography to traditional drawing and airbrushing. I also remember my first Commodore Vic20, the C64, and Atari 1040. I mainly used them for gaming, but I also loved to have fun with digital music (Atari was great for that). And I remember using the first 2D painting programs with my first assembled PC in the early 90s.
How did you get your start as a 3D modeler?
The way I started is pretty unusual. I started doing 3D as an hobby in 1999. I actually owned a bookstore and whilst selling books, I felt that my passion for computer graphics was growing and I kept learning Maya and doing as much training as I could. After I sold the bookstore in 2004, my wife, Silvia, and I started looking for freelance 3D jobs. To be honest, I had never considered CG as a full-time profession, but we soon noticed that we were loving it and we decided to give it a serious go, working as a small team on various projects ranging from games, to the film and documentaries.
What sorts of references do you use for your animal models?
I’m always eager for reference materials, as resources are one of the most important things in the modeling workflow. I use almost everything, from books to online references. I’m lucky to live half of the year in Southeast Asia where I like to visit animal sanctuaries and take tons of photos.
If you were an animal, what sort of animal would you be?
That’s difficult to answer, but maybe a dog…or a monkey. 😉
What has been your experience with CheckMate?
As part of the CheckMate pre-launch program (beta), I worked very hard to have almost my whole model library certified. It wasn’t easy at the beginning, but it was worth the time spent, because it really does raise a lot the quality standard.
How long have you been with TurboSquid? Would you or have you recommended TurboSquid to others?
I published my first model on TS in 2005, so I believe this is my tenth year with TurboSquid. I would recommend it because it’s the biggest market and the CheckMate quality program guarantees a higher standard of model.
If you could give one piece of advice to modelers who are beginning to make animals for the first time, what would it be?
Well, passion is the first condition. A real love for the animal world, I mean, because no field is ever easy at the beginning. Quoting Ray Bradbury:
Love what you do and do what you love. Don’t listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it. You do what you want, what you love. Imagination should be the center of your life.
Wise words indeed! To keep up with Massimo’s work and to get a glimpse behind the scenes of some of his creations, check out his website.
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Want to see your CheckMate Pro Certified Model featured on the TurboSquid Home Page? We’re looking for amazing models like Massimo’s to put in the spotlight. What are you waiting for? SUBMIT YOUR MODEL!