1. Topology
1.1 Quads and triangles only
1.2 Mostly quads – The model must use quads as much as possible. Triangles may be used where necessary for good edge flow.
2.1 No isolated vertices
2.2 No coincident vertices
2.3 No coincident/coplanar faces
2.4 Face normals point outward
2.5 No empty objects
3.1 Real-world scale within 1-3% – Model can use any units to achieve real-world scale. If the model does not have a specific real-world counterpart (for example, an unbranded car), the model must use the size/scale of comparable real-life objects.
3.2 Exception for exceedingly large/small models – Models of objects that have a real-world scale at a microscopic or astronomical level, such as amoebas and solar systems, are excepted from having real-world scale.
4.1 Model centered at or near 0,0,0 origin
4.2 Entire model sits on or just above ground plane
5.1 Oriented to World up-axis – The obvious “up” side of the model must be pointing toward the World up axis. In other words, the model can’t be lying on its side or upside-down when the file is opened.
5.2 Position and rotation transforms frozen/reset – Exception: This requirement does not apply to 3ds Max.
5.3 3ds Max Requirement: All objects at 100% scale at object level.
6.1 Descriptive and unique object names – Default object names are not acceptable. For character rigs, a prefix or suffix must be added to bone names.
6.2 No extraneous helpers, shapes, splines, or other objects not specifically needed for model functionality
6.3 Includes a grouping or hierarchy for moving all objects in model together
7.1 At least one material must be applied to the model to represent real-world object surfaces.
7.2 Textures applied where appropriate.
7.3 Texture files and nodes named descriptively – Texture filenames or prefixes Image, Pic, or Picture are not acceptable.
7.4 Materials named descriptively
7.5 Relative texture paths, or no texture paths, referenced by model
8. UVs
8.1 No obvious texture stretching on model
8.2 Seams hidden in less visible areas of model
8.3 People and animals must have unwrapped UVs
9. Rigging
9.1 Transforms must be frozen/reset unless model is animated
9.2 Hierarchy objects must be uniquely and appropriately named
9.3 Rig must function as expected – Must perform simple test deformations
9.4 Custom rig must include instructions – A Readme, PDF document, or other documentation on how to use the rig. Rigs that use Biped or CAT are not required to have documentation unless there are custom controls.
10. Animation
10.1 Animation must play smoothly – No obvious glitches or hitches
10.2 Animation designated as “looping” must loop smoothly
10.3 No spikes in animation graph
[/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″]About the CheckMate Brand
The CheckMate Specifications, CheckMate names, including “CheckMate Pro” and “CheckMate Lite,” and all related branding and logos, whether registered or not, are the property of TurboSquid. TurboSquid retains all ownership of these trademarks and copyrighted material. They are protected by intellectual property laws of the U.S. or in some instances, foreign laws and international treaties. Unauthorized use may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.
CheckMate Specifications may be reused and republished by third parties with permission, with the exception of third parties that sell or distribute 3D content as part of a stock 3D business. In no case may models distributed or sold anywhere other than at turbosquid.com (or its affiliates including the SquidGuild Network) be referred to as “CheckMate,” “CheckMate Certified,” “CheckMate Pro,” “CheckMate Lite” or any by similar name referencing CheckMate.
Participants in the CheckMate program who have received certification and would like to use CheckMate branding to promote their own models may do so on other sites, so long as such models are not sold on those other sites.
For questions or to request permission to republish CheckMate Specifications, please contactagent@turbosquid.com.